About Me

Okay, so I found this thing on my friends blog, The Skipping Rock, and I decided to put it on my blog too. If you have any additional questions, please say so and I'll post them!

A very old picture, me and my friend. I'm in front. Don't complain if you don't like it. And don't tell my friend. The dog's not mine. Neither is the horse.

-Basic About Me-

Name: Jet

Nickname: Jess, Jetteke, every Dutch word that rhymes with my name (which is a lot, FYI)

Age: 15

Birthday: July 24th

Sign: Leo

Weight: 60 kilos

Height: 182 centimeters

Eye color: Blue, my friend Lisa described it as aqua once.

Hair color: Blonde, but I'm planning to change that some day.

Screenname: Lionessfeather, Moonhowl, Dias454

Lives: Amsterdam

Tattoo: No


Color: Purple & Blue & Green & Black

Number: none.

Letter: S

Band: Hmm...Green Day, Disney's older songs (if you see that as a band), All Time Low

Holiday: St. Patricks Day, St. Nicholas Day.

Song: I'll Make A Man Out Of You - Mulan

Book: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson

Quote: - People don't come with t-shirts saying "villain" or "hero" ~ Stravaganza, City of Ships
- When someone says "I forbid it", it's a good sign it's worth doing it. ~The Red Pyramid
- Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission. ~The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Disney.

Movie: The Lion King

Place: My family's house in France

Drink: Water

Food: Pizza, Paprikachicken

Candy: Chocolate

Scent: Lavender, Forest, Horse.

-One or the Other-

Facebook or Myspace: Facebook

Black or White: Black

Kiss or Hug: Hugs

Smile or Wave: Smile

Day or Night: Night

Rain or Sunshine: Sunshine

Sea or Land: Land

Meat eater or Veggie: Meat eater


Ever been in love: Maybe...

Have your first kiss: No

Been cheated on: No

In a relationship: No

Siblings: Nope.

Parents: Mom & Dad

-Yes or No-

Marriage: Dunno, maybe, if I meet someone I really like.

Long Distance Relationships: No idea. I'm very impatient, so probably not.

Love: Yes

Lying: If need be.

Ever Been Arrested: I'm sorry, my lawyer says I'm not allowed to answer this one.

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